Official WTBTS Dogma:
Bible never refers to a servant of God celebrating a birthday. This
is not simply an oversight, for it does record two
birthday celebrations
by those not serving God. However, both
of those events are presented in a bad light." (JW.BORG web site)
What the Bible Really Teaches:
sons celebrated
the anniversary of their births.
1:4 - "Each of
his sons would hold a banquet at his house on his own set day. They
would invite their three sisters to eat and drink with them."
3:1 - "It was
after this that Job began to speak and to curse the day of his
Genesis 40:20 - "Now the third day was Pharʹaoh’s birthday,
20:14 - "Cursed
be the day I was born!"
all four verses, the same Hebrew word (yowm)
is used to indicate the day of birth.
If we imitate the WTBTS's
reasoning, female J.W.'s should heed the following:
"The Bible never refers to a servant of God wearing
eye make-up. This is not simply an oversight, for it does record two
occasions when
eye make-up was worn by those not serving God. However, both
of those events are presented in a bad light."
Kings 9:30) When Jehu
came to Jezreel, Jezebel heard of it. So she painted her eyes with
black paint....
23:40) washed
yourself and painted your eyes......
on the "faithful slave's" spirit-directed
wisdom, eye make-up
for women is clearly pagan and should be abhorred just like